Co Curricular Experiences
Co-Curricular (CC) Experiences – the 8th Habit way
As a school that embraces Stephan Covey’s 7-Habits of Happy Kids, we adopt a whole-person approach in designing the co-curricular learning experiences that will develop our students’ 8th Habit - discovering their personal significance. The students are exposed to a myriad of experiences filled with opportunities that nurture the 4 intelligences and Emerging 21st Century Competencies and Skills. With the guidance of Teacher Mentors (TM) who play the roles of a Coach, Counsellor, and Cheerleader, our students discover their talent, find purpose in what they do and work towards personal growth to become the future-ready ABCD Learners we envisage – Active, Bold, Contributing and Disciplined.

Mental Intelligence
Our students’ journey in discovering their passion starts with exposure to a variety of experiences through our distinctive programmes like ALP, LLP, Young Photographers and iDiscover. Thus, every student builds his or her knowledge as well as develop emerging 21st Century competencies and skills in a range of areas - from STEM education to environment education and performing arts. These varied learning opportunities ignite our students’ interest, widen their horizons and lay the foundation for the development of future-ready lifelong learners.
Physical Intelligence
We offer 4 categories of CCA - Sports and Games, Clubs and Societies, Aesthetics, and Uniformed Groups. Modular CCA (House), P1 and P2 iDiscover and after-school enrichment programmes introduce sports, games and art forms beyond the CCA. Talented Blangahnites are given unique opportunities to further develop their skills with the support of professional coaches and participate in competitions in one or more sports, games or academic area. Our students learn to optimize these opportunities to hone skills in more than one area. For example, we have students from Scouts who are in our school badminton team and students from Red Cross and STEM club representing the school in NSG Football!
Emotional Intelligences
To deepen these broad-based experiences in school, we have designed mentoring programmes where our students interact with knowledgeable others beyond school and their peers.
Our students from several CCA groups benefit from our partnerships with secondary schools. For example, we partner ACS (I) for badminton (Boys), RGS for badminton (Girls), SOTA for MediaKids and Art & Design Club and SST for STEM Club. These mentoring opportunities inspire and motivate our students to give their personal best.
Our P3 to P6 students are encouraged and guided by their Teacher Mentors (TM) to identify and pursue an area that they enjoy through Passion Projects. In addition, with the TM support, our students embark on their DSA journey as early as Primary 3, giving them a longer runway to explore various areas of interests and then identify and deepen their competencies and skills in an area they wish to pursue.
Spiritual Intelligence
As a 7-Habits school that integrates the Virtues Project, our school places a high premium on values education including the development of social emotional competencies and e-21st Century competencies like civic literacy, communication, and collaboration skills. Thus, another unique feature of our CC Experiences is our CCA Values-In-Action Activities CCA Values-In-Action Activities aimed at giving back to the community. CCA groups take turns to conduct monthly intergenerational bonding activities. In addition, CCA groups also collaborate with other schools to grow and showcase their talent. This includes our combined school football team and choir.
Partnering our Parents in discovering our Students’ Voices
Our rich CC Experiences designed with authenticity, affect and agency complement our students’ learning in the classroom and promote the breadth and depth of learning. These thoughtfully curated unique CC experiences and the support of our parents shape our students’ journey in discovering their passion and purpose and eventually blossoming as future ready ABCD individuals and citizens.