Junior Primary

You are off to Great Places! Today is your day!
Your mountain is waiting, so...
Get on your way!
- Dr Seuss
A note from the Year Head, Mdm Kimberly Koh and Assistant Year Head, Mr John Chia
to Junior Primary!
This is an exciting time of learning and growing for your child / ward where we grow deep and grow together. We are committed to providing the best learning environment to help your child /ward enjoy every moment of learning in school, both within and beyond the classroom.
The formative years of education is very important, thus to help your child /ward develop the learning dispositions needed to become effective individuals, we grow your child / ward to be proactive learners. We nurture their curiosity about the world and help them enjoy learning new things with enthusiasm. We give them skills to work towards their learning goals in a disciplined manner. When they encounter difficulties, we encourage them to keep trying and not give up. We encourage them to learn together with their peers and collaborate as a team. In this way, your child / ward can truly experience the joy of learning!
Our children succeed when parents / guardians and schools work hand in hand. Therefore, we look forward to your close partnership to bring out the best in your child / ward!
“I’m in charge of my learning!”
Yours sincerely,
Mdm Kimberly Koh and Mr John Chia
Learning Environment
Students thrive when they have a sense of ownership and belonging. Our students, though young, contribute to the little corners in the classrooms which they call their own. The little ones design and display the Emotional Band Account (EBA) proudly. Notes of appreciation are dropped in by their peers and teachers. Art work which they did on Growth Mindset and the 7 Habits are also displayed in class as a reminder to self.
A Virtues Challenge Board displays the target virtue which we would like the students to learn each week and no two boards are alike. As virtues are best caught and not taught, the visual serves as a reminder for every one to be on the lookout for those who habitually demonstrate the virtues in action.
iDiscover Programme
As a 7-Habits school, we strive to grow our students progressively in the maturity continuum where interdependency can be achieved over time through our school’s programmes. Thus, in line with our mission to develop students holistically and to provide more fun and meaningful learning opportunities, all our P1 & P2 students will be involved in a i-Discover programme unique to the school. The programme will be carried out on Monday, 7.30 am – 9 a.m.
Together with an identified virtue for each term, our students will also be nurtured in values and basic qualities they need to be successful throughout their lives. i-Discover will provide opportunities such as CCA experiences, social skills learning, engagement in the school’s distinctive programmes and learning journeys.
The following are further details on the programme:

Opportunities for Confidence Building
Healthy self-esteem should be inculcated from young, and the Junior Primary (JP) Team believes every child can be nurtured and learn. Since 2020, we reinforce self-confidence and resilience in our students when we present them with the opportunities to showcase their talents while they immerse themselves in the joy of learning. Teachers teach the skillset necessary for performance during Music, English Language and Programme for Active Learning (PAL) lessons. In 2023, through iDiscover Programme, our P1 and P2 students had the chance to also showcase their talents in both choir and drama performances during school events.
Some of the highlights from the past years include BRLC Celebrates! Reader Theatre performance, a handbell performance to commemorate Beethoven’s 250th Anniversary and a virtual choir on National Day.
You can watch some of the videos here.