Chinese Junior Reporters

“准备好,开始!“(Ready, standby, start!)
“早安您好,我是布兰雅坡小记者陈心搏,请问我可以访问您吗?” (Good morning, Sir. I am Junior Reporter, Mills, from Blangah Rise Primary School. May I interview you please?)
Our Chinese Junior Reporters were getting ready to report on the latest school event. The programme provides a platform for students to hone their Chinese Language skills by using the language in an authentic setting. It aims to equip students with basic news-reporting skills, such as conducting interviews, writing news reports, filming and editing news reports and basic photography.

Through this programme, students will be able to improve their language skills holistically as the platform creates opportunities for them to practise the four language skills – listening, speaking, reading and writing.

This programme further promotes 21st century skills such as communication skills, collaborative skills, technology literacy and critical thinking skills. These skills are important as we prepare our students for the 21st century workforce. In addition, they will be equipped with public speaking and social interaction skills. They become more confident and learn the importance of teamwork. Our Junior Reporters also had the chance to learn from external partners such as SPH News Reporter and Radio Deejay!

Listen to what our students have to say about the programme!
“I like the Junior Reporters programme because we have the opportunity to learn more things. I like interviewing people and writing articles. I learnt to write newsworthy articles, edit videos, interview people and how to be a good news anchor through the programme. I also learnt to be responsible, confident and diligent.” (Phua Ser Yen 6 Topaz)
"After participating in the programme, my Chinese has improved. I learnt interviewing skills and understand the importance of being responsible. I could also manage my time better.” (Judith Seow, 6 Topaz)
Click here to read our Dian Dian Di Di, a publication by our Chinese Junior Reporters and here to view the journalism broadcast on Channel Dian Dian Di Di Chinese Junior Reporters.