Our School Rules and Regulations

A) Attire and Appearance
1. Uniform
1.1 Every student is to wear the prescribed school uniform when he/she comes to school. Any modification to the uniform is not allowed.
1.2 Uniform is well-pressed, clean and neat at all times.
1.3 Except for the button closest to the collar, all buttons are buttoned up.
1.4 The name tag must be sewn directly above the shirt pocket.
Those with leadership appointments e.g. prefects must wear the badge above the nametag.
1.5 The blouse / shirt of the uniform must not be tucked in.
1.6 The sleeves of the blouse / shirt should not be folded.
1.7 Skirt is to be of knee length.
1.8 Unless stated otherwise, the school uniform must be worn at all times when students report to school, even during the school holidays, for CCAs or enrichment classes.
2. Shoes and socks
2.1 Only covered all-black school shoes and black socks are allowed. Black socks are to be worn just above the ankle.
2.2 Non-black sports shoes are only allowed to be worn during sports CCA or sports competitions. Sports shoes do not include sneakers, canvas shoes or any other form of shoes not meant for sports activities. Students must change back to covered all-black school shoes after their sports CCA or when they return to school after their sports competitions.
2.3 Only on medical grounds and when school is kept informed, in writing and with relevant medical documents, will the school consider the approval of alternative footwear, e.g. proper sandals, to be worn. This approval is only for the period of the medical condition.
3. PE Attire
3.1 PE attire must be worn during PE lessons, PAL lessons, CCA and House Practice.
3.2 The PE t-shirt must be tucked in at all times.
3.3 The name tag must be sewn directly above the school crest.
4. Hair and accessories
4.1 Hair should be simply styled and kept tidy at all times.
4.2 Hairstyle should not be fanciful. Dyed, tinted or coloured hair and hairstyles with ‘tails’ are strictly not allowed.
4.3 Boys must be neat in appearance and clean-shaven. Facial hair is not allowed.
4.4 Boys’ hair should be short, properly combed and sloped at the sides and the rear. Hair should not touch the ears and the collar. The fringe should not touch the eyebrows.
4.5 For girls, hair should be simply styled and kept tidy at all times. The fringe should not touch the eyebrows. Long fringes must be neatly clipped.
4.6 For girls with hair touching or below the shoulder, the hair must be tied up neatly.
4.7 Hair accessories e.g. hair bands, ribbons and hair clips should only be in black or dark blue.
5. Fingernails
5.1 For hygiene reasons, fingernails must be kept short and clean.
5.2 No nail polish or strengthener should be applied to fingernails.
6. Jewellery
6.1 Girls may wear plain and simple stud earrings. Multiple earrings are not allowed.
6.2 No other jewellery and any form of adornment is to be worn in school.
7. Others
7.1 Students must not have visible tattoos and must not wear any make-up except when they are performing in a concert.

B) Behaviour
1. General Conduct
1.1 Students should uphold the core values of the school.
1.2 Students should be polite, courteous and well-behaved at all times.
1.3 Students should greet teachers, other school personnel and visitors when they see them.
1.4 Students should be orderly and self-disciplined at all times.
1.5 Students are to observe silence when moving from place to place in the school and during assemblies.
1.6 Students should be ready to help those in need at all times.
1.7 Students should work as a team to achieve the best for all in their conduct and learning.
1.8 Students should hand in all assignments on time.
1.9 Students should always be environmentally friendly and help to maintain the cleanliness of the school premises at all times.
1.10 Students are not allowed to leave the classroom without the teachers’ approval. Permission tags are to be worn when leaving the classroom.
1.11 Food is only to be consumed in the canteen.
1.12 Students should respect school and public property.
2. Punctuality
2.1 Students are to be punctual for all lessons and activities.
2.2 Students are to assemble for the singing of the National Anthem and the recital of the pledge at 7.30 am every morning.
2.3 Students are considered late for school if they are not in school by
7.30 am.
2.4 Students are not allowed to remain in class unattended to during any assemblies or recess.
2.5 Late-coming without a valid reason is a breach of school rules.
3. Respect for the singing of the National Anthem and School Song, recital of the National Pledge and the conduct of the Assembly Programme
3.1 Students who are Singapore citizens must sing the National Anthem and take the Pledge. Students will take the Pledge with the right fist over the heart.
3.2 Students must stand at attention throughout the singing of the National Anthem, the School Song and the recital of the Pledge.
3.3 Students who are on the school premises but not at the assembly area should stand at attention during the singing of the National Anthem and the recital of the Pledge.
3.4 Students must be a respectful audience, giving full attention to any speaker or ongoing presentation on stage.
4. Dismissal
4.1 No student may leave the school without permission from the Principal or teachers.
4.2 A Letter of Excuse from parent/guardian must be provided, in advance, to the Form Teacher if a student needs to leave school during school hours. Parents/guardians must sign out for the students in the General Office.
4.3 Students who need to stay in school after curriculum hours must not leave the school for lunch or for other reasons without approval from the teacher concerned.
4.4 A student can only leave the school in the event of an emergency when he/she is accompanied by a parent/guardian who will pick him/her up only from the General Office. The parent/guardian must also sign him/her out in the General Office.
5. Absence from School
5.1 A student who is absent from school must submit a Letter of Excuse or Medical Certificate to the Form Teacher upon return.
5.2 A student who is absent from CCA / after-school classes / enrichment lessons / after-school engagement activities must also submit a Letter of Excuse to the teacher concerned.
5.3 All students are expected to attend school during term time. Permission to take leave from school during term time, for appropriate reasons, will only be granted by the Principal upon advanced notice.
6. Possession of banned and restricted items
6.1 The use of personal mobile communication devices, e.g. mobile phones and smart watches, by students anywhere in the school is strictly forbidden. The school reserves the right to confiscate these devices when they are being used at an inappropriate time and place.
6.2 Students are not allowed to bring any electronic related devices such as portable music/video players, cameras, VCDs, DVDs, and CDs to school.
6.3 The school will not be responsible for the loss or damage of any personal mobile communication or other electronic devices such as notebooks, laptops, iPads, etc.
6.4 Students are not allowed to bring electronic games, card-games, balls, sporting equipment or toys to school.
6.5 Students are not allowed to have in their possession any illegal items such as tobacco products, e.g. cigarettes or electronic vaporisers, weapons or weapon-like items that can be used or intended to be used to cause harm to self and others. Possession of such items is a serious offence. Disciplinary actions will be taken against offenders and these may include caning and/or suspension.
C) Consequences of Wrong Conduct
1.Attire and Appearance
1.1 Students who do not observe the rules of attire, particularly the school uniform and PE attire, will be noted down by the Form Teachers. The Form Teachers will follow up with calls to parents/ guardians.
1.2 Students who do not conform to the rules with regard to accessories and jewellery will have their items confiscated. Parents/guardians should make an appointment, with the teacher, to collect the confiscated item in person.
2. Punctuality
2.1 Consequences, such as after-school detention, may be meted out to students who are frequently late for school. Repeated late-coming will have an impact on reported conduct grade and considerations for award nominations and recommendations.
3. Possession of banned and restricted items
3.1 Mobile phones, smart watches, music/video players, electronic games, card games, balls, sporting equipment, toys and other electronic devices and expensive items brought to school will be confiscated. Parents/ guardians should make an appointment, with the teacher, to collect the confiscated item in person.
4. Acts of misbehaviour
4.1 The school does not condone acts of misbehaviour
committed by students. To support students in learning from their mistakes,
disciplinary actions (consequences) will be meted out according to the
severity of the offences. Disciplinary actions may include:
(a) Personal reflection; (b) Peer apology; (c) Teacher-student conference; (d) Guidance / Counselling; (e) Confiscation of item; (f) Compensation for damaged item(s); (g) Behavioural Agreement; (h) After-school detention; (i) Adverse conduct grade;
(j) Suspension from identified school activities / school; (k) Caning; and/or (l) Reporting to relevant authorities such as the Police, Health Promotion Board, Compulsory Education Unit, etc.
4.2 Serious or repeated offences, for example, rudeness, use of inappropriate language, defiance, violence, fighting, bullying, vandalism, theft, smoking, vaping, playing truant will not be tolerated. The school will administer caning for boys should they commit any of these serious and/or repeated offences. For girls, appropriate disciplinary action(s) will be taken depending on the offence committed.
4.3 Students who commit serious or repeated offences may also be liable for suspension or expulsion from school. Parents of such students will be called in for discussion with the Principal.
D) Examination Matters
Students should be punctual for all examination papers. They will not be given make-up time if they are late without valid reason.
Students should bring all materials needed for the examination. These include blue/black ink or ballpoint pens, 2B pencils, soft erasers, sharpeners and standard mathematical instruments (ruler, protractor and set-squares). Unauthorised materials or equipment should not be brought in. Students are not allowed to share materials, dictionaries and calculators with other students during the examination.
Students must follow these regulations:
3.1. Do not cheat or assist in cheating.
3.2. Do not turn and look around at other students, as this may be mistaken for cheating.
3.3. Do not talk or communicate (verbally or non-verbally) with other students during the examination.
3.4. If students cheat, attempt to cheat or assist in cheating, misbehave or do not follow the examination regulations during the examination, they may be prohibited from taking the examination or have their examination results imposed with a grade penalty.
If students are not feeling well and not able to sit the examination, they need to provide the school with a medical certificate as a valid reason. Otherwise, zero marks may be awarded. If they have a valid reason for not taking the examination, their examination grade will be:
4.1. indicated as “VR”, if they have missed a major component of the examination; and
4.2. pro-rated, if they have missed a minor component of the examination (e.g. Oral Communication, Listening Comprehension).