Leveraging epedagogy to impart 21st CC skills: Miss Seow Wen Yi
“Do not be afraid to try new things!” is Miss Seow Wen Yi’s mantra for her students. Open to new ideas, Miss Seow would constantly seek new digital tools to deepen students' learning. She sharpens her saw by exploring the different possibilities of digital tools. She creates games and escape rooms using the online resources available. Students expressed their excitement and interest in the different activities she conducts. They look forward to the computer lab and iPad sessions.
Miss Seow Wen Yi is a teacher that seeks every opportunity to incorporate ICT into her teaching. She enjoys using a variety of ICT tools to make her lessons engaging and meaningful. She uses technology to get students to practice listening, speaking, reading and writing in Chinese. For instance, with the safe management measures in place, students had fewer opportunities to practice conversing with their peers. Using Flipgrid, students are able to comment on their friends' videos, allowing them to stimulate a conversation in Chinese. Students enjoyed taking videos of themselves during the lesson.
Miss Seow believes that it is important for students to learn the different ICT skills which are essential for their future. She hopes for students to learn the 21st Century Competencies for a globalized world, specifically Communication, Collaboration and Information Skills. In this regard, Miss Seow would teach students in the Chinese Junior Reporters programme photography, videography and video editing skills. She imparts her videography knowledge to enhance students’ experience in the Chinese Junior Reporters programme. Students in the programme enjoy taking photographs, videos and video editing, creating broadcast videos featured on the school website.
But Miss Seow also understands that these ICT skills are not the be all and end all to be digitally literate, as big part of digitally literacy is also cyber-wellness. “I believe students will need to keep upgrading their ICT skills to match the ever-changing digital world. However, it is important for them to always remember the dangers of technology and digital etiquette. I remind my students regularly to limit their time on digital devices and be aware of their cyber-wellness,” shares Miss Seow.